Current Faculty Members & Students can be a member of this library.The members of the library should obey the following rules while using the library:

General Policy

  1. Silence must be observed in all silent study areas. Where group study space is provided, conversation must be kept at as low level as possible.
  2. Cell phone & other electronic or automatic alarm devices should be switched off or silent mode before entering the library.
  3. Eating, drinking & smoking are strictly prohibited in all areas of the library.
  4. Baggage counter is for keeping your personal possessions, but you must not keep money, mobile phone or other valuables there, as the college authority does not take the responsibility for loss or any damage of your belongings.
  5. Books,journals or other reading materials should not be removed from the library premises without being registered at the circulation desk.
  6. Members should not replace the documents on shelves; the library staff will do the replacement.
  7. Without members no one allowed inside the library, but with special permission for the research purpose can be allowed to use the library for a limited period only.
  8. Users who disturb normal environment & behave in an offensive manner, will be required to modify their behavior or to leave the library.

     Borrowing  Policy

  1. Borrower must their Barcode/MR  library card to access library services & resources.
  2. Library card can not transferable. Members should responsible for books, CDs or other library materials borrowed on it.
  3. Journals, magazines, newspapers & reference collection items are not for loan.
  4.  The faculty members may borrow maximums 5 (Five) books for 60 days & students may borrow 3 (Three) book for 30 days.
  5. The loan period for borrowed items may be extended for next 10 (Ten) days, if there is no outstanding request for that items by any other users.
  6. Fines are assessed to encourage the prompt return of materials. Fine will be imposed @Tk. 5.00 for per book for each day.
  7. The faculty / student can replace a lost book with an exact copy or the user will be double charged the original replacement cost of the item.
            Any kind of help about library, contract library circulation desk.


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